Conversations with Marthe Whitcomb
We are making these interviews with Marthe Whitcomb public for educational purposes that further the examination of the San Francisco Renaissance. The material on this site is provided without profit to those seeking information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use the material from these interviews for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’ or educational purposes (for example, the distribution of an interview in PDF form), you must contact TheMartheProject.org via the email below in order to obtain permission from the site administrator. Ideally, if you find the materials of this site pertinent to research and education, please suggest that your colleagues visit the website so they can experience the site, gain context for the interviews, and access the transcripts from their source.
All Kenneth Rexroth poetry quoted in the interviews is under copyright. Use by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp. Requests to use New Directions copyrighted material should be sent to permissions@ndbooks.com.